Learning Journey

Thursday, 22 September 2016

My Fishbone Facts about Pink Dolphins.

Kia ora
This is an activity we did when we were learning how to find facts about a Chinese animal and put the facts in the right box on a fishbone diagram.
Something I think I have done well  is finding the right information for the right box.
Next time I think I could improve by being more careful about spelling when I copy words.

Ka kite ano


  1. I like the way you have presented your word that you have.

  2. I like how you used those hard words in your work

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Quintin it's Miro from Awahono School, I like your Fish Bone Facts about pink dolphins because you have described a lot about pink dolphins. Have you thought about telling us where Pearl River Delta is? If you want to look at my blog here is the address.

  5. hi quintin my name is isabella room 3 from waima school. i really like what you'v done it is really amazing and describing all about dolphins.if you would love to see my learning my blog ishttp://www.wsisabellaw.blogspot.co.nz

  6. Hi there Quintin,my name is Kuini from Te Kura O waima.I really like that you used stuff to discrib this type of dolphin.
