Learning Journey

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Me with my class in 2016.

Hi, my name is Quintin. I'm in Room Nine. I have a friend  called Ashton. He's sitting right next me in this photo wearing the green camouflage top.We play  together on the play  ground. We like to play tag .

Monday, 12 December 2016

My end of year basic facts.

Here is a copy of my last basic facts test for the year.  I'm working at Stage 5 Level 2. At the beginning of the year, I was working at Stage 4 Level 1. I need to get better at subtraction.


Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Maths end of term 4

Here’s everything I know for Stage 4 number knowledge. I need to work on counting  backwards. I have moved up a level and will be working at Stage 5 Level 2 at the start of 2017. I like having lots of Gold for Glory on my learning chart.

Maths Stage 4 Strategy End term 4

Kai Ora
This page  shows what  I can and can’t do yet. I need to work on counting on and back using a combination of tens and ones.So, if I am trying to add 24 + 33 = I have to go:Okay, I'm starting at 24....34,44,54 ...now I've counted on in ten three times. Now I have to count on in ones, three times. I'll start at 54...55,56,57. I stopped at 57 so 24 + 33= 57. That's how you count on using a combination of tens and ones.